
Be Definite About Feeling Good. Activate the essence (vibration) of what you want: In thought… words… by speaking and living it. Works for me.

“A definite purpose is the starting point of all achievement.” – W. Clement Stone

Mindset and daily habits for the progressive realization of your worthy ideal stuff, as well as brain research you can apply for kicks and giggles.

Energy Management + The Power of Compounding Experience

You’ve got a lot of potential. How about turning those potentials into actuals? Sound like something you’re into? Good. Let’s focus on developing one or more (depending upon the type of) skill into a competency, by setting up and following your chosen processes and focusing more on the processes that work for you for long-term gain, and no time wasted worrying about reaching a certain outcome right away.

On with the show!

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3 thoughts on “About

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