
If You Have Trouble Setting Financial Goals For Yourself…

do it for johnny.

As you set a financial goal, it is not only about the expansion for yourself; it’s about the expansion of all of those who are involved in that which you are about. In other words, it creates this nucleus, this machine, that allows so many to begin to thrive along with you. It’s much bigger than finances. Abraham-Hicks [Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, November 13th, 2004]



Abraham-Hicks on Wealth: Let it Come

Abraham: “In the morning when you wake up, none of you stand out on your front porch frantically breathing in because you are afraid that later in the day there will be a scarcity of air. You breathe in and you breathe out and think nothing of it.

What we want to get you to understand is that it is the same thing with dollars (or anything else), there is no need to go out and hold your breath in an attempt to hold on to the air in case there is a later lack. You are all MUCH closer to a financial fortune right now than you are even willing to dream about for fear that you will be disappointed if it does not come.”
